HEPPACs Drop-in-Center is located at 5323 Foothill Blvd. in the Fairfax /Melrose East Oakland neighborhood. This location also serves as HEPPACs administrative site. Drop-in-Center HEPPAC is a safe space where our community of active users can access basic needs services without a lengthy intake process.

Services include shower, laundry, food pantry, minor crisis intervention counseling and referrals. HIV/HCV Counseling, Testing, Referrals and Linkage services are available by appointment only Tuesdays – Fridays.
Drop-In Center Hours of Operation:
Mondays – 10am -1PM / Tuesdays – 12PM -3PM/Friday – 10am -2PM.

Found used littered syringes?
What should I do?
- Call the city (Local government) to voice your complaint. Advocate for syringe disposal kiosks in your neighborhood. Informing local government of a consistent issues will not warrant immediate action however will create a track record. When resources become available, data will be used to support Syringe Disposal Kiosks in impacted areas.
- Contact HEPPAC to receive FREE Bio Hazzard Containers (BIO Buckets) Give to those in need or use yourself to be proactive. By picking up littered syringes at your residence or business helps our community stay safe.
- Turn in full Bio Buckets at HEPPACs many sites. Turn in Bio Buckets full of littered syringes at sites throughout Oakland, Richmond and Antioch and receive new containers. Get other Harm Reduction Supplies and resources at any of HEPPACs six fixed sites.
- Use of common sense and universal safety precautions
- A. Bio Hazzard, SHARPS/bio Bucket. 2 liter soda bottle, CLOROX bottle, Gatorade bottle,
- B. Wear gloves, gardening, dishwashing, medical, etc. if accessible.
- C. Wear close toed shoes.
- D. Always pick up one syringe at a time.
- E. Use a clipper or grabber instrument if available.
- F. Always pick up by the barrel towards the end of the syringe.
- G. Discard needlepoint first into SHARPS container.
- H. Discard injecting equipment like, cookers, cottons, and tourniquets, alcohol swabs, in the bio bucket sharps container.
- A. Don’t panic and do not do anything you are uncomfortable with.
- B. Do not pick up more than one syringe at a time.
- C. If you have an open wounds do not pick up needles without gloves.
- D. Don’t wear flip flops or shorts.

All updates about HEPPACs Drop-In Center check in our official Facebook page.